
Old Video and B.A.S.S. Master Classic

Brad and I are gearing up to go to the B.A.S.S. Master Classic in New Orleans.  We are excited to explore a new City and State that we haven't been to.  For those of you that don't know the Classic is the super bowl of the fishing world.  We will be there for 5 days enjoying the fishing expo, boat launch and fish weigh in.  I am very excited to go as we have wanted to go for many years but it has been in different city's that are expensive to fly to from Denver.  If any of you have any recommendations for any thing in New Orleans please let me know.

The below video is from our first trip to Amistad.  Amistad lake is the #1 Bass fishing lake in the US comparing to the Pebble Beach of the golf world.  It is in Del Rio Texas right on the boarder between Texas and Mexico.  It is truly a beautiful lake that I love to visit any time we can.We were able to connect with an absolutely amazing pro named Keith Combs.  He has guided us on  2 trips and we always have such a great time going out with him.  One of the pictures in the video is Brad's "famous" photo as he has won different photo contests with it.  He spent a lot of time putting the video together, I forgot how cute it was.  Also a side note, I am actually holding some of the fish which is a rare thing for me!!!  We will get to see Keith in New Orleans as he qualified for the Classic so it will be fun to see him in action.  After the Classic Brad will be chomping at the bit to get out on the lake!!!


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