We sure did go somewhere that was much warmer then Colorado, Arizona. The temperature there was great, usually in the 70's during the day and lower 50's at night. Brad and I were so excited we could wear shorts.
Mission accomplished. He was super surprised about the trip to Arizona. He thought we were going to Alabama the whole time so was surprised to see Arizona on the envelope/folder that I gave him. See the video below, it is not the best quality but still fun to see his face and reaction when he found out.
3. Ice Skate: Bummer still on the list. There wasn't ice skating in AZ, so we need to go in the next couple of weeks here.
4. Go sledding: Bummer still on the list. The issue with this was that when we got back from Arizona all the snow we got had melted. We have to wait for more snow and then we can go sledding. I did buy an excellent sled from Costco and there is a great hill by our house so all we need in SNOW.
5. Go to the movies and get pop-corn and candy: Bummer still on the list. I really hope to go to a movie soon as it has been way to long.
We spent lots of time in different hot tubs. We had a great view from resort hot tub in Arizona. Also we went to Black Hawk with friends and enjoyed the outdoor hot tub there as well. The one is Black Hawk is great as it is on the 27th floor and there are great views of all the pretty mountain starts. We had a blast in both hot tub settings!!
Not only did I receive a great message in Tuscon at our resort but I got an awesome gift card from my mother-in-law to use at another spa. Life is good!!
We did go and get Brad his famous fishing calendar that he must have every year. Unfortunately I didn't get a calender yet and I really need one. Tomorrow I will make a trip to Celestial Seasonings to get my favorite calender that they make. I also need to stop by Barnes and Nobel and get a small one there and one for work. Jeez can't believe Brad was the only one to get a calender!!
Well lets just say the Bronco's were 6-0 and in the middle of the season and they have ended the season 0-3. By a pure miracle and the rest of our league being horrible we were still able to make the playoffs and have home field advantage the first game. We will see what happens in the first game against Pittsburgh, should be very interesting!!
(1/22/2012 Update: The Broncos ROCKED the game with Pittsburgh, it was amazing to watch. I was so proud of Tim Tebow and the Broncos. The following week was a different story with New England but all GREAT seasons must come to an end.)
We drove around on a super cold night before Christmas with Frankie. We say lots of great lights and then the house that we always go to that is Christmas lights on "crack". Frankie was even memorized which says a lot for a CRAZY, A.D.D. dachshund.
Did my fair share of peppermint flavored eating. I just love Peppermint, almost as much a Pumpkin.
We had so much fun the whole time off. My favorite part was getting to spend so much time with Brad. He is my best friend and I can't think of anything better to do then being with him for Christmas and always, xoxo to the best husband ever!!

We did amazing against Pittsburgh, you must update #9!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jill, you are right #9 needed to be updated!!