I think it is important to set goals each year or things that you think are important to change. I really try to keep my self in check through out the year and make sure I am staying on track with all of my goals. I love that with iPhone and iPad now you can look at the note section frequently to always remember notes and goals.
I started my improvement/resolution list over a month ago and I am happy with all of my goals. I hope to stick to all of them this year and can't wait to look back at the end of the year and see where I am at. I try not to be too critical of certain characteristics that I posses but I feel it is very important to call some issues as the truly are.So with out further ado,here is my 2012 improvement and resolution list...
1. Be more organized at home
2. Try to make a real hard effort to be on time.
3. Don't take things too personal
4. Relax more and not get worked up about things or work, just roll with things
5. Blog more often
6. Do special things with just Brad at least once a week
7. Be healthy and lose weight
8. Organize my clothes and closet
9. Try at least 1 craft/ home improvement item every month
10. Save more money and don't shop as much
11. Buy a house
12. Go to bed no later then midnight
13. Be positive
14. Watch less TV
15. Try a new Restaurant and activity each month
I will check back each quarter to see where I am at with my goals. What New Years resolutions did you have?

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