In the spirit of Valentines Day I found this fun link up where you can talk about you and your honey for Valentines Day. I am linking up with
From Mrs. to Mamma's Blog and sharing our love facts for this Valentines Day.

1. How long have you and your significant other been together?
Brad and I started dating originally when we were in 6th grade. We started dating again May 18, 2001 and got married May 24, 2003. We have known each other for 18 years and been married for 8.5 years.
Here is the story of us.
The two of us back in 6th grade looking cool!! |
2. How did you meet? {What's your "love" story?}
As mentioned above Brad and I meet in 6th grade. We rode the same bus into school everyday and after eying his cuteness not he bus for a couple of weeks I finally got the nerve to tell Brad , have a friend tell Brad that I thought he was cute. We had lots of little innocent dates in 6th grade and officially broke up and became friends about 6 month later. We re-connected again in high school right before prom and after that it was history we will officially be together for ever now!!
May 18, 2001 Prom our first big date after re-connecting |
3. If married, how long have you been married?
It is so hard to believe that we have been married for 8.5 years. Wow time seems to just fly by when you are with the love of your life. On May 24th of this year we will be celebrating 9 years, I better come up with something special for 10 years!!
May 24, 2003 |
4. Where did you get married at? Big or small wedding?
We got married at the
Hover House Mansion in Longmont, CO. It was a beautiful venue in a historic home. We decided to get have the ceremony under the big oak tree in the back yard and had the reception in back of the house on the veranda/porch area. The day was beautiful dispute some ominous rain clouds in the sky but we go lucky with only thunder no rain. The garden was in full bloom with big bright peonies and and other beautiful spring flowers. We had about 150 guest which was the capacity for the venue, it was a great size as we were able to socialize with most of our guests and have a great day.
Front view of the Mansion |
Us in front of a model A car we rode away in. It looked so neat in front of the house, it was like stepping back in time |
5. Do you have any nick-names that you call one another? Do share!
We have lots of little names we call one another. I call Brad "love bug", "Buggie", "Bradey" and "honey". He calls me "lisha", "honey" and "baby", I guess really nothing out of the ordinary. When I am tired or sick I whine his pet names to get him to do stuff for me :) (Works like a charm)
6. Name 3 things you love most about your honey.
There are some many things that Brad is or does that make be a better person everyday. If I have to pick three I would say...
- Unconditional Love: I am a realist and I know that I sometimes can be hard to live with as I have lots of UCD behavior and little things that I obsessive over. Brad always listens to be when I go off on my tangents and sets be straight that things will always be ok.
- Calm: Brad is always very calm and just lets things ride right off his back. I tend to be a worry wort and
obsess think hard about lots of things. Brad always can put each and every situation in perspective and make me feel better.
- Adventurous: Brad and I are always creating memories and adventures with one another. He always has great ideas of places for us to travel and he always has a good time no matter what we are doing.
7. Tell us how he proposed?
Brad and I had a special tree in the woods/open space between the two of our houses when we grew up that we would always meet at. It was out place we would hang out in middle and high school and talk or lets get real make out. Anyways it was very special to the both of us. Brad proposed to me the summer after graduating from High School before we left for college in Montana. He blind-folded me and led me to the tree. When he took off the blind fold he had carved in the tree "will you merry me?" It was such a great way to propose and of coarse I said yes. To this day the tree is still standing behind the Rec. Center in Lafayette, CO.
8. Is he a flowers and teddy bear kind of guy for v-day, or strawberries, champagne, and rose petals?
Neither really. Usually we just spend time with one another for Valentines day but don't do anything too crazy. He usually actually sends me a fruit bouquet as I think they are much more practical then flowers.
9. Are you a sunset dinner on the beach kind of girl, or pop a movie in and relax on the couch?
I wish I could be a sunset on the beach kind of girl but since we live in Colorado and there is no beach I guess I would have to classify myself as a movie and relax kind of girl.
10. Tell us one thing you'd like to do with your significant one day. If you could do anything? Go anywhere?
Brad and I have always wanted to travel to all the 50 United States together (Only 14 more to go) and travel all around the world. We have even talked about getting a RV when we retire and visiting all of the National Parks together. My dream location is a Mediterranean cruise or Paris.
11. Tell us what you plan on doing on this Valentine's Day.
This year we will be hanging low as our
BIG change is coming up soon. Hopefully we will watch a movie and get to relax with one another.
12. Are you asking for anything this Valentine's day?
No not this year, just quality time with my hubby.
13. Give us one piece of advice of keeping a relationship strong and full of love.
My best advise would be to always believe in one another and to help one another live out all of your dreams. Always stay connected and in love and you can conquer the world together.
14. Show us a picture of what love means to you.