
Christmas Day at the Cabin

Better late then never on getting our Christmas photos up! See our Estes Park Christmas adventure {HERE}. Christmas day was so fun waking up late, having an awesome breakfast and hanging out in our PJ's opening gifts.  We took the day very easy and just enjoyed one anothers company.  Before I go in to all the photos I want to say that we are SO thankful to have had such a wonderful Christmas, blessed to be able to purchase gifts and thankful for the gifts we received.  I am one lucky girl to have such an awesome family!!

{Warning Picture over load, proceed with caution}
Tree with all the gifts
Close up with miniature ornaments
We start every year with the dogs and their gifts.  Frankie being the angel loud mouth that he is needs to have a toy to "suckle" on to get him through the excitement.  Lucy just is along for the ride and likes all the attention she gets as she is opening gifts.  
As you can see Frankie's licker was out as he was getting anxious
This is the hurry up mom, lets get this party started lick

Opening of the new toy

Lucy wanted in on the action as well
Obsessing over something
Finally Settled
Frankie thinks that it is his Dachshund right to have multiple toys and gets jealous if he is not the center of attention.  It made for some hilarious photos and good laughs. 

Lucy can't master looking at the Camera

Getting excited about her gifts

Me and my baby "Lulu"

She LOVES her new toy
Jealousy and tug-of-war begins
Battle is still on

Lucy looking cute, duh!
Next was my mom's turn to open gifts.  She adopted two Dachshund's right after Chrsitmas the adoption fee was our Christmas treat to her.  She was sad that she was picking them up after the cabin trip but we all had a great time talking about them and guessing what type of personalities they would have and how cute they would be.  We got her some other small gifts as well. 
Opening up a gift for her new dogs Odie and Lily
This picture cracks me up, she was excited
Opening up new walking shoes
Lucy getting some love from Grandma
Brad can be a tough one for Christmas as his birthday is November 24th  being so close to Christmas.  Usually you can carrie on the same "theme" (oh he will hate that I said that word) for both occasions. His list of goodies included...

* A new wallet
Ralph Laurin Polo sweater, he saw this on many Bronco's Players that he follows on Instagram and             just HAD to have it.  His obsession with the Bronco's get a little lot creepy sometimes.
* Subscription to Dollar Shave Club of the month (Awesome man gift and so cost reasonable)
* Bronco's beanie
* Bronco's work out shorts (my mom and I had to strip a manikin to get these, no joke!)
Gentleman's Jack by good old Jack Daniel
* Tons of fishing lures, poppers, frogs, jigs, crank baits and soft plastics from Tackle Warehouse

AND... drum roll...
*A new iPhone 5 

The bummer with the iPhone was that I could not actually buy him the new phone with out them deactivating his old phone.  I had to make up a special certificate to show him what the gift was.  He was super surprised and the Apple Store was our first stop when we got back into town.  He is in LOVE with his new finger print (really?) iPhone 5.  
New Wallet
Shave of the month club
Bronco's Stuff 
New Hat
New work out shorts (Can you not tell what he loves in life..? Bronco's and fishing
Fishing stuff, he was thrilled!
My mom hit a home run with all the fishing stuff

I was very fortunate in the gift department this year as well.  My mom and Brad did a great job at looking at my Pinterest Board {Here} to see my list.  Brad did so good with Nordstrom's and my mom actually stepped out of her comfort zone and online shopped.  My list of goodies included...

* Opi Nail Polish Holiday Set (AWESOME!)
* Spyder Snow Gloves in my signature color of purple
* Red Book Subscription and EOS lip balm (from These are a Few of My Favorite Things blog post)
* iPhone Case
* Vera Bradley Lunch box {Here}
* Camera book for my new Canon Rebel T3i (Early Christmas gift, love the quality of the photos it is
   taking, makes such a difference)
* TONS of scarfs (I think Brad bought out Nordstrom's)
* New purple robe (can you not guess my favorite color) from Nordstrom's, SIMPLY amazing
* Shirt to go with leggings {Here}
* Simple Sugar Body Scrubs {Here}
* New Denver's Broncos Shirt
* Hunter Wellies and socks {Here} and {Here}, I have been wanting these babies F-O-R-E-V-E-R. I     love them and have been practically sleeping in the boots and the socks.  (for some reason I don't have a picture of me wearing them, I will get one soon)

Awesome Gloves
New Lunch box
Scarf Obsession for the softness

This will come to good use

Lucy wanted in on the scarf action
As you can see we were all blessed beyond belief and made out with some awesome gifts to enjoy.  It truly was a Christmas for the books!!


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