Well what can I say moving stinks, thus why I have been off the grid for so long. Even though February is the shortest month of the year it sure seemed long to us with the whole buying process!! We hung low for most if the month until we had final word we got the house then it was celebrations from there on out. Here is our February rewind...

Lucy during the bad snow storm

Yucky drive to work

Beautiful drive to work after the snow was melting

Valentines flowers from the owner of my company

Baby chicks we saw at Jacks

Great lunch with my love at Chic-fil-a

My baby girl Lucy

Yummy Shamrock shake Brad brought me when I was sick

Celebration at the OG when we got clear to close

Celebrating Sharon's birthday with Michelle at Max Gill and Grill

Yummy spread for Restaurant week
Chis Lane wins the Bass Master Classic, too bad we had to cancel our trip to Shriveport to cheer him on!
My plate I made at a birthday party in 2nd grade, I LOVE this plate. Brad and my mom made me throw it away in the move :(
Brad Driving the UHAUL truck out to the old house
Frankie helping with a load not knowing what was going on

The dogs are pooped after a LONG day of moving
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