I thought it was time to write a post about my fur babies. I am doing a blog link up to
Kelly's Korner all about pets. Brad and I have 3 fur babies as we like to call them. Belle our Pug who is 11 years old, Frankie our Dachshund that is 7 years old and Lucy our Dachshund that is 5 years old. We adopted all 3 of the dogs at different walks in their and our lives. I have already done a blog about Belle the Princess that you can see by
clicking here. I will focus on my other loves here.
Christmas seems to be the only time we get a pic with all of us |
Another Christmas shot of them waiting for a treat |
Frankie getting all of his treats our of his stocking |
Lucy and and Frankie are true hounds and do not disappoint the Dachshund breed. Frankie came to us at the young age of 6 months, the first time we meet him he peed all over Brad! For me it was love at first sight and for Brad not so much but o'well. Frankie lived with Brad the first year before we got married and they became best buddies. Frankie has turned now into a mommas boy and loves for me to give him extra attention. I want to always remember by first fur baby so here is the Frankie list....
Things I love:
*He is the best snuggler and always keeps me warm
*He is so sweet and sensitive
*He loves to play ball at all times and loves to go on walks
*He takes good care of Belle and helps her get around the house
*He has a special bond with Brad
*He is super smart almost to a fault
*He knows lots of human words and understands them
*He LOVES to camp and even will put himself to bed in the tent
*He has the cleanest,shiniest Pearly white teeth around
*He has a blanket that we call his "mommy" that he suckles him self to sleep with
The only picture of Frankie being still |
Things that I don't love:
*He barks ALL of the time, some times we have to give him calming medicine, which then in turn makes him stink
*He is obsessive compulsive about EVERYTHING!
*He destroys all of his toys in less then 10 minutes including ripping tennis balls and golf balls up(casing and all)
*He hates thunderstorms and freaks out
*The second he eats anything he has to poop 5 minutes later, he has an extremely sensivite stomach
*He hates car rides and makes them down right miserable for everyone
*He HATES water and is down right terrified by it
*It is imposable to get a picture of Frankie where he is not barking or moving out of the shot
Running in the Oatmeal Festival |
Trying to get a family shot before they ate all the pumpkins |
Now onto Lucy or as we call her frequently, "Lucifer" or "She Devil". Lucy is defiantly my dog, she is the dog that we all wish for that will be super loyal and do everything with you. She loves to be my shadow and be down right spoiled rotten. We bought her in an apartment sale only a few months after being married, she was 1 year old. The first second I layed eyes on her, she was mine much to Brad's shock. Brad and her are like siblings, some days they love each other and some days they hate each other, they know how to push each other buttons. Lucy is defiantly the most spoiled and can get by with a lot. She has the cutest eyes and fat paws that just make me melt.
Things I love about Lucy:
*She is my best baby ever and loves to get pets and snuggles
*She is a perfect looking longhair dachshund and loves to be told she is pretty
*She loves me most
*She loves to ride in the car and she loves water
*She goes and does anything you want her to, and for the most part adapts well
*She doesn't bark much when Frankie isn't around
Her with a new toy |
Here at the pool for Dog Days |
Things that drive us(mostly Brad crazy)
*She is strong willed and determined to only do what she wants, she is so stubborn
*She loves to steal food from the other dogs, lets just say she is slightly over weight
*She bits Frankie's neck to boss him around
*She loves to bug Brad and she knows just what to do
*She is always under my feet EVERYWHERE I go, including when I am cooking
*She doesn't listen
*She MUST sleep between Brad and I in Bed or no one will get good sleep
*She is a social brat and will turn her head at people if she is not in the mood to be doted on
*She relapses in potty training frequently and wares custom diapers when we are gone to be assured she doesn't have an accident.
As all of you can see our dogs are definitely our kids, all three of them are spoiled, rotten brats that we love. They are our family and we wouldn't change that. If any of you have things to add about there personalities that I forgot please comment (especially mom). Thanks furry friends for being our loyal friends, we love you.