Weather: Some sunshine, some rain. Here you never know the weather seems to change hourly.
Miles Walked: 2.119 not to many today. Drove about 160 miles.
Places we Visited: We spent the whole morning in Georgetown shopping around and Eating cupcakes. We drove from there to Chincoteague Island. Upon arriving we enjoyed a sunset cruise.
Highlights: It was nice to rake the morning and relax and shop. We got to head back to Georgetown Cupcakes. OMG they are amazing and the shop us so cute. For those of you that don't know they owners have a show in TLC. I watched them make the decorations for 30 minutes, it looked like so much fun. We then went to Dean and Diluca for some yummy take out lunch. Georgetown has cute cobblestone walkways and great shopping. We then started the drive to the beach. We went over many bridges and enjoyed the scenery as we drove. After arriving we quickly dropped our luggage off and hurried to catch our sunset exploration of the Island tour. We were lucky enough to see a large pod of dolphins, a large bald head eagle and wild ponies. The ponies are the main feature of the island as the are wild living on the beach and Island. The weather got a little cold and rainy but overall the cruise was great. We finished off the night enjoying a great sea food dinner.

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