This is me in true bliss. After 3+ years in waiting for Verizon to finally get the iPhone my dream finally came true. I LOVE my new iPhone and all that it does. Today is day #2 with the phone and I can't believe all it does and how inefficient I was on the old phone. In true Sill family fashion Brad and I got up at 5:00am got ready and headed to Boulder to be one of the first people in the line to get in the Mac store to get my new phone. The doors opened at 7:00am and the workers made everyone standing out in the cold feel like a celebrity. It was so much fun. Brad is ubber jealous as he is not eligible for a new update until June. Ha, Ha I get it all to my self. So one more Mac to add to the family of 2 iPods (Black and Purple), 1 iTouch, 1 Macbook and 1 iMac, WOW you think we are addicted.
If any of you have any good iPhone tips please send them my way.

Can't wait to hear if you still love it in 6 months when I am eligible for an upgrade. I can't wait to get a new phone!