had such a good time. The picture above is of a performer on the River Walk. Texas is Brad and I's favorite place to visit for many reasons including the weather and the great fishing. We went out with our favorite
Mid month Brad had in his mind all month that he was going to win a boat they were giving away at BassPro. We showed up 2 hours before the give away and hung out until they finally did the drawing. The of coarse were behind schedule and by the time they called the name it was 3 hours and counting in Bass Pro. Brad decided to go look at some other boat while by mom and I stayed near the table for the drawing. They came on the PA system and said the winner of the 2010 Jon Boat is BRAD SILL. My mom and I starting screaming which you could hear over the store intercom and Brad came running over with a red face and a big grin. We couldn't believe he actually won the boat. He got his picture with the Manager of Tracker Boats and signed all the paper work. We went out after wards to Jim N Nicks BBQ. This is a great BBQ place if you haven't tried. http://www.jimnnicks.com/ . After many long conversations and debates Brad decided the boat he won was not going to work for his fishing needs and he sold it on Craigs List and was able to buy a boat that would suit his needs better.
I will try to keep the blog updated on a weekly bases. Please drop us an email as we are happy and excited to be communicating with all of you via Blog.

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