Once again it was a beautiful day in Colorado. I had been running around all day in my Jeans and light jacket with flip flops. We got a call from our friend to join him at the Spring game. WOW was I in for a shock when we got there and more then half the stadium was leaving. Well you guessed it.... It was TOO cold. So after standing out side and freezing for an hour we got to go on the field and get the coach's autographs. So an least is wasn't a complete lost cause.
Brad Freezing at the Game |
Us on the field before Autographs (Notice the "Spring" light jackets we were sporting |
Baseball in Colorado any time of the year can be iffy but wow this I think took the cake to go down in crazy Rockies weather history. NOTE: I do think it takes second place to last years April Rockies game tornado scare where we had to hunker down in the breeze ways to wait out the Twister that was looming in the distance.
Getting Colder |
Rain is starts to fall as we head to our seats |