I saw this idea on another blog that I follow and thought it was a cute way for everyone to get to know my husband. He is very special to me and I thought it would be fun to answer some questions. If you want to add anything about Brad please do. Enjoy the Husband questionnaire...
1. Who is your man?
Bradley Warren Sill
Birthday: November 24th, 1982. He was born the day before Thanksgiving but every 3-4 years depending on leap year his birthday is on Thanksgiving.
2. How long have you been together?
We have known each other since we were 12, dated off and on and then have officially been together for 9.5 years.
3. How long did you date?
We "dated" in 6th grade for about 4 months and then starting dating again our senior year of high school. Our first official grown up date was our senior prom.
4. How old is your man?
He is 28. He likes to joke that I am a younger woman, I think it is funny given I am 4 months younger.
5. Who eats more?
Brad for sure can pack down the food and not gain a pound, NOT FAIR. He once ate a WHOLE pan of lasagna all by himself. He gets super cranky when he is hungry so you better make sure the boy eats if you want to have a happy husband.
6. Who said "I love you" first?
Um... this is hard to remember. I think we both said it at the same time. Sorry it was a long time ago, my memory is failing.
7. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
Brad does. Whenever we go on vacation I always have to ask him "which side do I sleep on again". He always laughs and says LEFT.
8. Who drives when you are together?
Brad is my chauffeur. He gets mad when I drive as he always comments, "I can't believe you took drivers ed and drive like you do." For the record I am a very good driver but I think he likes to be in control in the car, he can choose which way he likes to go. He is a very good, safe driver and calms me down in traffic and snow.
9. Who kissed who first?
He kissed me in 6th grade. The funny thing is we were each others first kiss :)
10. Who asked who out?
The first day of 6th grade I spotted him at the bus stop and said to my best friend Michelle, "who is that cutie?". She was like oh that is just "Brad". I made her go talk to him for me and we starting hanging out then. Our first official date was at his house where we watched Mighty Ducks and ate popcorn. In high school when we meet back up he was the one that asked me to the prom. We are even 1 and 1.
11. Who proposed?
Brad of coarse. He carved "will you merry me" in a special tree that we used to meet at when we were dating in 6th grade. He blind folded me and surprised me at the tree with the carving and a beautiful ring. Our tree is still standing, it is behind Pioneer Elementary in Lafayette. Go check it out!!
12. Who has more siblings?
Brad does, he has a sister Tammy and two step brothers. I am an only child.
13. He is sitting in front of the TV, what is he watching?
Fishing, Fishing and FISHING. Football, Baseball, ESPN and Glee, it is his guilty pleasure.
14. You are out to eat, what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?
Cesar or Italian. He LOVES the salad at the Olive Garden and will eat it like it is his last meal.
15. Whats one food he doesn’t like?
He really likes most food. The only thing he is picky about is any thing that is white and creamy, he gets grossed out. Items include.. yogurt, mayo, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream etc.
16.You go out to a bar, what does he order?
He really doesn't drink but I guess his favorite's are beer, margarita's and Redbull and vodka
17. If he were to collect anything, what would it be?
If.. are you kidding he does collect fishing items. He has tons of polls, rods and fishing tackle. It is to the point we need to insure all of his stuff as it is all worth a lot of money. Fishing is not a cheap sport.
18. What would he eat every day if he could?
Mexican Food and BBQ. This is all we eat all the time, good thing we both like it so much. We plan vacations around our favorite restaurants that we have found in certain cities. For example San Antonio and Austin have the best of both worlds while Missouri has amazing BBQ. We know our stuff if you need recommendations let me know.
19. What would he never wear?
He is very picky when it comes to clothes. Also he goes into what I like to call "tizzy fits" when we go shopping, he just can't handle the mall. He will not wear corduroy pants and he HATES blue jeans. He only will ware them when I bribe him with treats (he is like a big kid). His bottom half will only consist of shorts or pants that are "khaki".
20. What is his favorite sports team?
He LOVES the Denver Bronco's, he self proclaims him self as having a "bro-mance" for Tim Tebow. He also loves baseball and the Colorado Rockies. We do to as many games as we can in the summer. College football is a favorite for him as well and he likes the Montana Grizzley's (we went to our first year of college in Missoula), Arkansas Razorbacks, Oregon Ducks, and the South Carolina Gamecocks.
21. How many states has he lived in?
Two, Colorado and Montana.
22. What is his favorite state?
His favorite state is where the bass fishing is best. But over all I would have to say Texas. We both love to go there and usually will take at least 2+ Texas trips a year. We enjoy the people, the food and the scenery it is so great. "Everything in Texas is bigger and better."
23. Who is his best friend?
John, they have been friends for a long time and have a lot in common. John was his best man at our wedding we both have known him and his family for years.
24.What is his heritage?
Hmm... I should know this right, we have only been married for almost 8 years. I always forget but I believe he is English and Viking.
25.You bake him a cake for his birthday, what kind of cake is it?
He doesn't like cake or dessert for that matter. Occasionally he will want a berry pie but usually he will forgo dessert all together.
26. What could he spend hours doing?
He can eat, breath and sleep fishing. OMG don't get him started because he wont stop, once you start asking about the different techniques he uses you will never hear the end.